Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Kings and Taxes

Unfortunately my busy life is conspiring against my blog and I am having trouble finishing (or is that starting?) my next post on the comparison between Rambam and Chazal. Fortunately for my faithful readers, I came across a nugget in the Tanakh today that is must be shared.
My daughter is in the process of learning Neviim Rishonim for her Bat Mitzvah, so I decided that I should try and keep up with her. Unfortunately for me, she has already finished Melachim Aleph, so I am playing catch-up. Today when I was learning Perek 12, I came across a pasuk that has a very modern feel.

"And king Rehoboam sent Adoram who was in charge of the tax, and all of Israel pelted him with stones, and he died, and king Rehoboam exerted himself to
get up into his chariot to flee to Jerusalem." Melachim Aleph 12:18
I think that many people today also would have the urge to physically harm the tax collectors if they came around.

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